Marvel Legends Black Widow Movie Series Up for Order! Latest News December 9, 2019 Just when we thought we were safe from any more Hasbro Marvel Legends pre-orders in 2019, we got a shock mid-December surprise from Hasbro this morning: the Marvel Legends Black Widow Movie series of figures is now up for order in both full cases and as individuals of every character! Black Widow ► Yelena Bolova ► Taskmaster ► Crossbones ► Red Guardian ► Winter Soldier ► Spymaster ► Full Case with Crismon Dynamo Build-A-Figure ► Once the Black Widow movie trailer dropped a few days ago, I really should have foreseen that pre-orders for the Black Widow Legends 6″ figures series from Hasbro would be opening up for orders imminently. Alas, I did not, so my jaw dropped the same time as everyone else when these figures were solicited this morning! As I was caught totally off-guard, I’ll be updating this article with my thoughts as I have a chance to carefully look at each figure from this wave. But in the meantime, if you’re worried about being shut out, be sure to check out the links and get your pre-orders placed for any figure you think might be a quick sell-out! With Black Widow herself short-packed in her own series, I think that’s definitely a figure with potential to hit sell-out status on specialty store websites before the wave actually ships at all… The post Marvel Legends Black Widow Movie Series Up for Order! appeared first on Marvel Toy News.