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Home > Hot Toy Reviews > Hey @truburbankca who is this guy and how come you let him stash armfuls of new #funkopop that never hit store shelves in the manager’s office to buy at his leisure? I thought merchandise holds were done at the customer service desk. I watched this guy go into the managers office 4 times unaccompanied and pull out new product that never made it to the floor and take it to the register and ring it up. Is this a new @toysrus policy? If so, how can the rest of us get in on it? #badform #dontfeedthescalpers

Hey @truburbankca who is this guy and how come you let him stash armfuls of new #funkopop that never hit store shelves in the manager’s office to buy at his leisure? I thought merchandise holds were done at the customer service desk. I watched this guy go into the managers office 4 times unaccompanied and pull out new product that never made it to the floor and take it to the register and ring it up. Is this a new @toysrus policy? If so, how can the rest of us get in on it? #badform #dontfeedthescalpers

Hey @truburbankca who is this guy and how come you let him stash armfuls of new that never hit store shelves in the manager's office to buy at his leisure? I thought merchandise holds were done at the customer service desk. I watched this guy go into the managers office 4 times unaccompanied and pull out new product that never made it to the floor and take it to the register and ring it up. Is this a new @toysrus policy? If so, how can the rest of us get in on it?

Hey @truburbankca who is this guy and how come you let him stash armfuls of new #funkopop that never hit store shelves in the manager’s office to buy at his leisure? I thought merchandise holds were done at the customer service desk. I watched this guy go into the managers office 4 times unaccompanied and pull out new product that never made it to the floor and take it to the register and ring it up. Is this a new @toysrus policy? If so, how can the rest of us get in on it? #badform #dontfeedthescalpers

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