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MYTHIC LEGIONS: SOUL SPILLER SHIPPING STATUS: As many of you already know, the Mythic Legions: Soul Spiller wave started shipping recently. All remaining Fed-Ex shipments should be leaving our warehouse today for the Soul Spiller wave (FedEx was supposed to pick those up yesterday, but never came by the warehouse), and the remaining USPS shipments are expected to be going out by Friday at the latest. Depending on which method you chose when placing your pre-order, you should get a shipping notification In the very near future. And for those of you who are asking, yes, both the Mythic Legions faction cloisonné pins and the bonus items from the first hour of the Soul Spiller pre-order are shipping along with the Mythic Legions: Soul Spiller shipments.

QUALITY CONTROL & SHIPPING ISSUES: As we’re wrapping up shipping of the Mythic Legions: Soul Spiller wave, we’ll be immediately jumping back into taking care of all of the outstanding quality control and shipping issues we’ve had with the Advent of Decay & All-Stars 2.0 waves, as well as any issues that collectors & fans have had with the Soul Spiller wave. Thanks for everyone’s patience as we work our way through addressing all of these issues. We’re currently in the process of not only developing a better method of shipping, but also a more efficient customer service method. Expect a big announcement about this during the upcoming 2019 San Diego Comic Con. For the time being, if you have a QC or shipping issue that needs to be resolved, please email – if you haven’t already – and we’ll address your issue ASAP in the order that your email was received.

IN-STOCK SALES: A LOT of people have been asking when we’re going to be having our in-stock sales for the recently shipped All-Stars 2.0, Advent of Decay and Soul Spiller waves. We’re currently trying to figure out how to handle that in combination with the upcoming pre-orders in a way that won’t destroy Mythic Legions fans’ bank accounts. We will be having sales for all of these “in-stock” waves one at a time throughout the upcoming months. It’s just a matter of when. We will definitely give everyone at least a couple weeks notice before each in-stock sale begins, and we will be limiting all purchases in the first hour as we did during our last in-stock sale. Keep your eyes peeled for the announcement about these upcoming in-stock sales.

FOUR HORSEMEN NEWSLETTER: is the main news outlet for Four Horsemen Studios & Mythic Legions, but if you want to have all of the news, announcements and info about Four Horsemen Toy Design and Mythic Legions delivered directly to your email inbox, please sign up for the Four Horsemail newsletter by scrolling to the bottom of the front page of and signing up.

SOCIAL MEDIA: Four Horsemen Toy Design is on both Facebook and Instagram, and we often post exclusive images on our Instagram account, so be sure to link up with us at “Fourhorsemen Toydesign” on Facebook, and at “four_horsemen-studios” on Instagram. You can also follow Cornboy’s personal FB page at “H Eric Mayse“, but he’s kind of a butthole, so we wouldn’t normally recommend it if he weren’t the one typing this. Waitaminnut…

TOYCON NJ: Four Horsemen Toy Design will be making an appearance at the 2019 ToyCon NJ next weekend, June 22nd & 23rd, and they’ll have two debut figures from the upcoming Mythic Legions: Siege at Bjorngar wave in hand and up for sale in VERY limited quantities, along with a limited amount of other random Mythic Legions figures and items from previous waves. Get to the show early enough and you can be the FIRST to get your hands on both Faustia, the Cleric and Thwikk, the Goblin Archer, but we expect those two to sell FAST!

G-CON 2: Coming later this Summer… the second Four Horsemen Studios online convention through Instagram Live & Facebook Live – G-Con 2 (named in honor of our longtime friend and toy industry great, George Gaspar)! Be sure to be there for Mythic Legions reveals, toy and comic industry insiders, retailers, fans and artists interviews, a Taco Bell lunch, Mythic Legions giveaways, the launch of the next Mythic Legions pre-order wave, and best of all… another astonishing interview with the ever-incredible Nolan Treadaway!! More info and details coming soon.

POWER-CON: Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios will have a booth at the upcoming 2019 Power-Con convention August 17th & 18th in Anaheim, CA. Once again, we’ll be there debuting two “powerfully inspired” figures from the upcoming Mythic Legions: Wasteland wave in hand and up for sale – the terrifying warlord Kronnaw, and the ferocious feline beast Purrrplor! These two will be in VERY limited supply at their Power-Con debut, and this will be the first time you’ll be able to get your hands on these spectacular figures, so be sure to get there early or you’ll probably miss out. More info coming soon.
