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Tim Bruckner Posts His On Line Portfolio

Master sculptor Tim Bruckner has put together an online slideshow/portfolio that shows off over 2 decades of his work.   Tim slideshow includes many of his works both professional and personal from a variety of different companies including: Toy Biz, DC Direct/DC Collectibles, Sideshow and more.

I’ve always been a huge fan of Tim’s work.   I know it’s not “cool” to be a traditional sculptor these days with you kids and your Mayas, your Z-Brushes and your hula-hoops…  but the level of craftsmanship, of story, of gesture that Tim puts into every piece… I’ve never seen that replicated anywhere else.

I’l love to see some company take him in and put him to work like DCD used to.

You can see more of Tim’s amazing work at
