WWE Elite 30th Undertaker and Decade of Domination Kane Gallery Featured Latest News October 30, 2020 Time for a blast from the past with a set for two WWE Attidue Era legends – 30th Anniversary Undertaker and Decade of Domination Kane! I randomly pop into wrestling figure world, mostly for some good Attitude stuff. I was a kid in the 80s, but I still prefer the late 90s early 2000’s vibe with Stone Cold, the Rock, Taker and Kane, HHH in his DX and Game days, etc. Mattel has put out a couple solid figures recently for Undertaker and Kane, so we are giving them a run. Undertaker is an Elite figure, packaged in a celebratory » Continue Reading. The post WWE Elite 30th Undertaker and Decade of Domination Kane Gallery appeared first on The Toyark – News.