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Home > Hot Toy Reviews > When your local @walmart does not have enough @hasbro or @lego #soloastarwarsstory product they make their 3-way endcap a 2-way endcap with beach basket kits.

When your local @walmart does not have enough @hasbro or @lego #soloastarwarsstory product they make their 3-way endcap a 2-way endcap with beach basket kits.

When your local @walmart does not have enough @hasbro or @lego product they make their 3-way endcap a 2-way endcap with beach basket kits.

When your local @walmart does not have enough @hasbro or @lego #soloastarwarsstory product they make their 3-way endcap a 2-way endcap with beach basket kits.

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