Toy Fair: Marvel Legends Vintage X-Men! Cyclops! Silver Samurai! Latest News February 18, 2019 Now that I’m back home from NYC, I can really dig in and look at the enormous number of reveals that occurred at New York Toy Fair 2019. I’ll be discussing every company at length, but I know the one folks want to hear about most is Hasbro. I’ll begin with a series that was hotly-rumored and finally confirmed at the Hasbro media event over the weekend (minutes after the ML X-Men series with Beast, Gambit and Jubilee opened for PO): the Marvel Legends X-Men Vintage Series featuring Cyclops, Silver Samurai, Dazzler and more! A potential X-Men Legends Vintage/Retro series has been rumored so much in the last couple months that it would have been almost anti-climactic if Hasbro didn’t announce such a wave at the 2019 Toy Fair over the weekend. Luckily—they did! And they didn’t just announce the wave—they showed four of the six figures that will comprise it! Like past Toybiz packaging-styled Retro releases, there wont be any Build-A-Figure for this wave. But what there will be is some 100% new tooling for the series this time out! Let’s have a peek… The headliner for this wave—no questions asked—is the new 2019 Marvel Legends Cyclops figure. The 2017 Jim Lee Cyclops is selling for crazy taters prices on the aftermarket, so it only makes sense to get a new Scott Summers out there for collectors who still need the character (and those who want him in one of his most classic costumes). Just like the first Cyclops figure ever that appeared in the Toybiz X-Men Series 1 line, Cyke is in his classic X-Factor costume. I loved the heck out of the Toybiz figure of this Cyclops as a kid, so I’m pretty giddy about getting a modern upgraded version with super-articulation. While this Cyclops won’t feature any LED light-up electronics like the vintage version did, he will come with two interchangeable heads—including a full-on optic blast head and even a “simmering energy” visor head! Complete with heroic orange cardback, this is going to be one hot figure guaranteed when it goes up for sale later this year. On the evil side (as you can tell by the evil purple cardback!), we’ve got the first-ever Marvel Legends Silver Samurai figure! Fans have been demanding this character in 6” form for a decade and a half-plus now, so this is gonna be another fiery hot seller. Hasbro wants to do this 6” Silver Samurai Legends figure right, so it’s actually a 100% newly-tooled figure that looks downright amazing. I really can’t think of any characters that this tooling could be repurposed for—can anyone else? Sadly, this new ML Silver Samurai won’t feature the vac-metallized chrome that covered Toybiz’s vintage version. I adored the look and feel of that chrome Silver Samurai back in the day, but due to the chipping and flaking issues, we rarely see chrome action figure anymore. This looks superb nonetheless. To pair with Silver Samurai, we’ve got a version of Wolverine that actually has no counterpart in the vintage line: a black costume Wolverine with Muramasa sword from the original Wolverine comic book series! I’m not exactly wild about this particular iteration of Logan, but it makes sense as a counterpart to Silver Samurai and is something that hasn’t been done before. Thumbs up, though easily my least favorite figure Hasbro announced at Toy Fair. Finally, we’ve got another toy I can cross off my bucket list of action figures I never thought I would live to see: an 80s X-Men Outback era Dazzler! I never thought we’d see another Disco Dazzler figure after the 70s version we got in 2017, so getting the short-haired iteration is a real treat and a grand surprise. Like the aforementioned Wolverine, this figure never appeared from Toybiz, but makes logical sense on a retro cardback nonetheless. This is the costume that Dazzler wore in the beloved X-Men arcade game, so I’ve been wanting a toy of Alison Blaire wearing this costume for the majority of my life. I have the DST Minimates version, but getting this super-articulated six inch Dazzler just blows my mind. Thank you, Hasbro! The X-Men Marvel Legends Vintage Series should be up for order later this year, with the final two figures in the Wave yet to be revealed. I’ll post pre-order links here and to the Marvel Toy News Facebook/Twitter/Instagram as soon as the figures go live, so stay tuned for that if you want to get in on the first shipments of any of these characters. How do you like the Toybiz retro throwback style of these Marvel Legends Vintage X-Men? Are any of these filling gaps in your collection, and which characters are you hoping to see snag the last two slots in the series? The post Toy Fair: Marvel Legends Vintage X-Men! Cyclops! Silver Samurai! appeared first on Marvel Toy News.