Next Dragonball S.H. Figuarts – Zamasu, Fused Zamasu and Super Broly Latest News March 1, 2019 Thanks to Toyark Forum member RamenRider for digging around the internetz, we have listings for the next 3 Dragonball S.H. Figuarts figures. Now, these are not coming from Tamashii Nations directly and there are no images so things may change, but RamenRider has done us well in the past so we are putting it out there as a very strong likely hood. The three figures listed are : Zamasu – Standard Zamasu – Fused Broly (DB Super) As of now, Super Goku is due out in July in Japan and is the last confirmed figure for this year. Both Zamasus » Continue Reading. The post Next Dragonball S.H. Figuarts – Zamasu, Fused Zamasu and Super Broly appeared first on The Toyark – News.