Marvel Mecha – Spider-Man Figures by Mondo Latest News March 9, 2021 Mondo has posted pre-order pages for their first two Marvel Mecha Figures. The new line of figures, which was originally announced back in 2018, will take popular characters and redesign them as giant robots. The first two figures from Mondo will features Spider-Man, and a Symbiote Suit spider-Man. The figures will stand a little over 10″ tall, with over 30 points of articulation. They will include swap out hands, a Web Shield, a Mecha Sword, a standard sword, and web shooting effects. A short 2-page manga will also be included. The regular Spider-Man Mecha is priced at $160, while » Continue Reading. The post Marvel Mecha – Spider-Man Figures by Mondo appeared first on The Toyark – News.