@LastResortToys Takes Out The Trash Bag Bunch for a New XL Spin Hot Toy Reviews December 29, 2017 Last Resort Toys is back and the are working on bringing back a classic license: The Trash Bag Bunch. The announcement was posted earlier this week on their official blog: A few months ago I started a dialogue with Mel Birnkrant (http://melbirnkrant.com) as a fan, fellow collector, and toymaker–which has led to a collaboration. After some emailing back and forth, we got to talking about licensing. Mel owns Trash Bag Bunch, and I love Trash Bag Bunch–it was a perfect match. I immediately started developing ideas for what I could do to bring the license back. I’m currently in development of officially licensed toys based on some of the characters from the original line–but with a new approach. This isn’t your father’s Trash Bag Bunch! Details about the toys and characters for this new line will be announced in the near future! Then yesterday Last Resort posted a new blog that answers more of fan’s questions about the scale and scope of the upcoming line: So here’s the reveal: these are not mini figures. If something is to be revisited, why not take it into new territory? This line will see the original designs from 1991 at a scale approximately 4X the original toys–about 8-10 inches, depending on the character. With larger sculpts comes added detail and the potential for some articulation where appropriate. These toys will fit right in with your Kaiju, Sofubi, and Vinyl collections. The first few will be from series 1, but, as many are probably wondering, YES, I also intend to bring the ever-so-rare original series 2 designs to all the fans who never had the chance to welcome them into their collections. As the price and production costs will reflect the scale and detail of the figures, only a handful of the coolest creatures will get the XL treatment to start with, however, as long there is an audience for these, there is no limit to the scope. Which characters can you expect? Is there other merchandise? Multiple colorways?! STAY TUNED We will be keeping our eye on the gang at Last Resort Toys and we will keep you posted on new developments.