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Justice League of … Socks?

Last Fall, my son and I were sent on an important errand.  We were visiting my dad at his house in Maine.  Our task?  To obtain a birthday card for my father to give to his great granddaughter (my brother’s granddaughter).  It was going to be her 3rd birthday.  How hard could this be?

We set out to the local Wal-Mart, only 3 towns away.  He wanted a card that was unlikely to be duplicated by anyone in town.  We said, “Sure Dad, no problem.”  Except when we got there, we could not find them.  We walked in one door, walked the main isle to the back.  Walked the main isle to the other side of the store.  Half way up the other main isle, I saw it.  Not a birthday card.  These.

Justice League Socks

Justice League Socks

Now if it had been MY birthday, we would have been all done.  But it wasn’t.  We still had to find the card.  Eventually we did, almost right where we came in.  If we had taken a left on the first main isle intersection instead of going straight, we would have found them.  But then I would not have gotten these awesome socks.

Aquaman, Batman, Cyborg

Aquaman, Batman, Cyborg

Strangely enough, I have never seen these socks in any Wal-Mart in Massachusetts or Rhode Island.

Flash, Green Lantern

Flash, Green Lantern
