Funko Pop – My Road to the Avengers Hot Toy Reviews May 6, 2020 Like all good journeys, this one started out in a different direction and I had help along the way. My road to the Avengers of Funko started with Team Flash. I had asked my local gaming shop, the Game King, to keep an eye out for them and I would take at least 3/4 of a set. When they came in, I was aglow with appreciation to get them. A gaming buddy of mine’s response to my reaction caused a reaction of his that would change my Pop collection. John said, “Do you like those Pop figures?” “Yes”, I said. “Next week, “John said. Next week came. Out of John’s collection of stuff which is usually overflowing with HeroClix and Dice Masters came Captain America and Iron Man. “Would you like these?”, he asked. “Of course!” We arrived at a price of 10$ each and they came home with me. The following week I was back at the game store trying to figure out what to buy. In their pile of Funko Pops I found Thor and Black Widow. I took them home too. At this point I realized I had 4 of the 6 original members from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I now wanted the other two. Hulk was easy. A trip to Newberry Comics for a Buy 1 Get 1 at 1/2 price Funko Pop sale netted me the Hulk. But which version. And with no Hawkeye in sight, who should I get for the second piece? Dr Strange filled the slot. Another BOGO trip to Newberry Comics and I scored Spider-man and Captain Marvel. Still no Hawkeye. I turned to the internet. I found there were multiple versions of Hawkeye available. The one from the Civil War series was purple. Comic fans know purple is his usual color. So that became the one I wanted. The problem was it was sold in a multipack with a Spider-Man holding Cap’s shield and 2 keyrings. No way to get it for the average of 10$ I was paying for these. After a lot of hunting I found someone selling an opened package. They apparently only wanted the Spider-Man. Offering to take what was left without the box, which would make the shipping box smaller, I got Hawkeye and the 2 keychains for 14$. Hulkbuster Ironman was a gift from my son-in-law at Christmas. He doesn’t fit on the shelf, so he lives in my light box. At this point, I knew I wasn’t done. Ant Man came from another BOGO trip to Newberry Comics (with a movie Wonder Woman). and War Machine came from the Game King. Yes, there are a few missing. Funko, stop messing around and make a new movie Falcon who is not an exclusive so I can get one without breaking the wallet. Maybe you could make a set for the Falcon / Winter Soldier and Scarlet Witch / Vision tv shows? And I still need you to make Black Lightning from season 1 of his show and Elongated Man to go with Team Flash.