Frank & Sons IMPORTANT COVID-19 Update Hot Toy Reviews April 19, 2020 Let us start by saying, WE MISS YOU ALL! The last update that we have been provided by the Los Angeles County Health Department is that we are on a “safer at home” status until May 15th. That would put us at an opening day of Saturday, May 16th. Governor Newsom’s updates since the April 14th have been hopeful in that they would like to start reopening some sections of our state. They are still requiring facial covering and social distancing which we will prepare for. We will be removing all tables and chairs for both eating & game playing and making our aisles one way for social distancing. If we receive any more updates accelerating that date we will surely post as soon as we receive anything. Please share this to all your friends & family. Again, we miss you all and hope you and your families are all safe.