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Final Packaging New Nightmare Freddy Krueger 8-Inch Clothed Figure by NECA

New Nightmare Freddy 8 Inch Packaging 001

NECA has released final in-packaging photos of their upcoming Wes Craven’s New Nightmare – Freddy Krueger 8″ Scale Figure. The figure will include two interchangeable head sculpts, a removable hat, and a removable trench coat. Look for the New Nightmare Freddy to ship to retailers on September 9th, and hit stores by mid-September. You can see the new packaging photos by clicking the headline of the story. This time, staying awake won’t save you. Introducing a new Freddy Krueger clothed action figure from Wes Craven’s New Nightmare! The seventh film in the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise took the » Continue Reading.

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